Junior Member
Posts: 10
Registered: 08-12-2008 Location:
posted on 08-23-2008 at 15:18 |
Svetlana Tulupova - Scammer
Here is the story:
We met online in Jan 2007.
Conversed by phone/text msg every day.
Met in Aruba in July 2007.
Gave her engagement ring while there.
Started fiancee visa process.
Took long time because of US Immigration backlog.
After 9 months had successful interview at US Consulate in Moscow on 4-21-08.
All through 9 months - continued daily contact.
She lives in Kaliningrad and wanted to visit parents in Novosibirsk before coming to USA.
On 5-19-08 she flies to Moscow, sends me text msg, and disappears for 1 week.
I enlist Ukrainian lady,who we met in Aruba, and lives in Chicago, to call Sveta's mom in Novo because of language issues.
Mom says Sveta not due into Novo till 5-26-08, and doesn't know where she is.
Sveta and I finally talk on 5-26-08.
She says she was in Egypt.
No good answers given to how she afforded this, was she alone, and why no contact.
She knew I would be worried about her - didn't care.
I said if situation were reversed she would be worried, if no contact.
She said no - she would just wait for my call.
But her main attitude was anger about Ukrainian friend calling her mom.
Would not let theme go.
Went on offensive.
After hanging up phone, I surmise that her anger = guilt, but about what?
She sweetens up and starts to ask me for money to fix "small room" of parents flat.
I ask her why she not think ahead and use Egypt money instead to fix room.
She not give good answer.
I grumble about not having much money for room repair.
She says I must take care of parents also, if I have her.
I have no problem with obligation to parents.
I send her money.
She stays in Novo 6 weeks.
Now she asks for money back to Kaliningrad.
I send her money.
Not sure what Plan B was if I not have money.
She arrive back in Kal on Sat 7-19-08.
Daughter comes from Poland to visit for weekend and leaves.
Sveta spends next few days looking for good dentist.
This is last thing she wants to do before coming to USA.
We in contact daily.
On Wed 7-23-08 contact ceases.
Next few days I send text messages - no replies.
I call mobile phone - Just rings - Never happen before.
On Saturday morning 7-26-08 I call and operator says phone is closed.
I call several hours later and phone is just ringing again.
I send text message and accuse her of having another man and I will cancel visa - No reply.
I send text message and ask her why she does this after 18 months and all paperwork for visa finished - No reply.
On Mon 7-28-08 I call lawyers and ask them to call Russian lawyers to contact her. They do and Russian lawyers says no answer on phone.
Sveta has found another man or men.
She used me as a bank until getting back to Kal and my usefulness to her was over.
Besides, her lover was back in town.
Love, if ever existed, died months ago.
Daily contact by phone/text msg for 18 months, except Egypt week and last week.
She disguised her intentions well - No hint of it being over.
I puzzled for awhile over why she would go to interview on 4-21-08 and be spreading her legs for her lover/lovers 30 days later in Egypt.
Before going to Moscow for interview she wanted money for shopping.
I told her she was not going there to shop.
She said I could not expect her to stay in hotel room all weekend.
I send her money.
She have medical on Fri 4-18-08, gets 8 shots, and gets sick for weekend.
No shopping.
She has interview on Mon 4-21-08, was successful, and 6 month visa is issued to her.
She wanted to go to Moscow to shop.
Interview was of secondary importance.
Had to do interview to maintain charade.
Love was gone before interview.
Sidetrip to Egypt had been planned.
Someone was paying for this.
Ticket from Moscow to Alexandria,Egypt is $1000.
Ticket alone from Alexandria, Egypt to Novo is $2000.
She is a cosmetologist.
She doesn't make this kind of money.
She flew in with or met somebody or somebodies there.
Engagement ring on finger meant nothing to her.
Is it custom in Russia that after receiving ring, woman is allowed to screw other men until saying "I do" at wedding?
I don't think so.
When she landed in Novo, and we talked after 1 week, she would not correctly answer questions about why she was in Egypt and how.
Instead, attacked Ukrainian lady for calling mom.
This is classic case of someone who is guilty of something and has no good answers to tough questions.
By that point she did care anymore that she did not have valid excuse for past week.
Had she called me in Moscow and said "Hey Paul I am going to Egypt for a week. I'll call you when I land safely and check in with you during the week."
I may have been ok with that at the time.
Still would of been many questions.
She did later say she cleaned out her bank account to fund trip.
How many Russian cosmetologists can afford that?
By that time my trust level of her was at 50%, if that high.
The signs of infidelity were there.
I saw them.
I just didn't want to believe she would throw away all of this effort to get visa and start new life.
After sweet talking me in Novo, she then used me as bank for flat repairs and ticket back home to Kal.
She knew relationship was over but I didn't.
Remember - daily contact.
Last few weeks in Novo, she wouldn't reply to text message. When I asked her on phone why, she just said she wasn't doing it anymore.
In retrospect, she was in contact with her lover to rendezvous back in Kal.
Text messages could be confusing between 3 people.
Voices on phones are not.
4 days after landing bak in Kal, she ends contact on Wed 7-23-08.
My usefulness to her was over.
Could not extract anymore money from me, and her lover was now in town.
She left it to me to figure out her silence.
After awhile, I thought she was getting "cold feet" and feared coming to the USA because of the culture shock.
But repeated text messages by me stating that, and my solution for it, were never replied back.
And her phone either rang or was closed.
So after 18 months of almost daily contact, with me following through all the way and getting her fiancee visa, it is ending badly.
I did everything I was supposed to do - meeting her, getting her a ring, doing the paperwork, getting her the visa, and my final reward is - I don't get the girl.
This has been pretty devastating.
I am no longer eating or sleeping well.
I have gone through the whole range of emotions: anger,betrayal,frustration,anxiety, but mostly an overwhelming sadness.
18 months of effort down the drain.
Untold money spent and my reward is to go back to an empty house.
All visions of a shared future - shattered.
I will never hear her voice on the phone again.
I will never receive another text message from her.
I will never see her again.
So what happened?
As I look back over the last year and a half I have tried to determine when this went bad.
I believe Sveta's original intentions were honorable when she joined the site.
To find the right man and relocate.
Daily contact up to Aruba was good, a great week in Aruba, and then....
Sometime after Aruba in July 2007 and the interview in April 2008, her love for me started to evaporate.
No hint that I can recall, during those 9 months, by phone or text message, that she no longer felt the same.
I think a big part of the problem was the long separation.
Several times she had said she wanted to see me, but as God is my witness, I did not have the money to visit her.
I wanted to and I could not and I told her.
Because I could not see her, I tried to maintain daily contact by phone and text message.
It was a poor substitute, but it was the best I could do.
It apparently was not enough.
She had needs and I was not there to satisfy them.
But what does that say for self-control?
I was not with other women in America.
I remained faithful. She did not.
And what does that say for her character?
Perhaps even if I had been able to manage a trip or two in the interim, who is to say she might have found another man or men, after I was gone?
Or, a very distinct possibility of doing the same once in America.
She is a 45 year old woman who cannot keep her legs closed, nor desires to, no matter what promises she has made.
We call them whores here.
I believe another issue was money.
Early on I started to have doubts about making enough money to satisfy her.
Just her attitude.
Whomever she hooks up with better have some serious cash to spend on her, or he is history.
Make that a high-class whore.
There are 2 sides to every story.
Perhaps you can contact her and find out what happened.
Here is her contact info:
Svetlana Tulupova
Street Mashinostroitelnaja
House # 92-1
Kaliningrad Russia 236000
This is a valid address.
She lives there now.
I sent flowers on 7-30-08 - she signed for them. No reply.
I sent her a letter via Fedex and tracked it - she signed for it on 8-4-08. No reply.
I think the conclusions I have drawn are accurate.
I believe Sveta is a candidate to be blacklisted as a Russian woman scammer.
I don't want this to ever happen to another man.
She cheated.
She lied.
She took my money.
As for me, going forward, I will need time to decompress.
A part of me has died.
One doesn't snap back immediately after an 18 month courtship.
I thought I almost had her.
But maybe I lost her many months ago.
As the years go by, I will always remember a beautiful woman, that I once shared some magical days with, on an exotic island, far away, and a long time ago.
As a final note, this has soured me on looking for a Russian wife in Russia.
Too far away.
As family members have pointed out to me now - "Paul you have no idea what she was doing over there" and "she could of been stringing several guys along."
Very true.
Her morals leave a lot to be desired.
At her core, she is really a despicable human being.
I would love in a couple of weeks to type in her name on the internet, and have her photo come up, and blacklisted as a Russian woman scammer.
I believe you guys could make that happen.
All told, I spent in excess of 13K on her.
That was the trip to Aruba, Lawyers fees for visa,engagement wedding rings,flowers/chocolate/food to her & parents, and cash.
That cash was $6600 over time by Western Union.
Attached are 5 pictures.
I have more.
Let me know if you need other info, and if you will post this.
Junior Member
Posts: 10
Registered: 08-12-2008 Location:
posted on 08-23-2008 at 15:20 |
Svetlana Tulupova - Scammer
see attached photo
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