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I had sex for the first time last night and it was hard for him to get it in and when he finally did he didnt stay in very long. How do I know if my hymen has been busted?
Posts: 62
Registered: 07-04-2004 Location: Rhode Island, USA
posted on 09-05-2004 at 20:12
It may have broke. Did you feel any pain or was their blood? You may have broken it without havin sex. It can happen from stretching or playing sports.
He wasn't in you very long huh. It seems like he was more on getting his needs pleased than worrying about your needs as well. Try talking to your husband/fiance about it. There are somethings he can do to make himself last longer or tricks he can do to have you climax.
no there are chances that ur hymen is not broken..coz i had the same experiance with my fiance..but my hymen is still there..without broken..might be because his penis is small and it could enter my vegina without busting the hymen.anyway im still a virgin..i mean i hav my hymen..hey........y u r worrying..u can examine ur hymen using a mirror..go to www.defloration.tv.u can know how ur hymen looks like..and can examin by urself...hope i could help u...
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